Case Studies


How Sundial Inn Transitioned To The Cloud And Secured Their Business Data

Sundial Inn


Virginia Beach, VA

A local motel needed help adapting to today's technology.

Sundial Inn, a boutique motel located in the beach city of Virginia Beach, faced significant challenges with its outdated IT infrastructure.

With a staff of 11, the hotel's reliance on older hardware and on-premise property management software was causing constant operational slowdowns, and reducing the effectiveness of marketing activities.

On top of that, their networks were being used by staff and guests alike, leaving their systems vulnerable to threats.

The worst part? The staff had no way to get help whenever they ran into any technical issues.

They were facing many challenges in their daily work, and were ready to modernize their business.

Sundial Inn was dealing with quite a few challenges at the same time:

  • An outdated on-premise, server-based property management platform vulnerable to data loss.
  • Limited data storage capability, causing loss of valuable marketing data.
  • A single network for office and guest use, leading to connectivity issues and security risks.
  • No systematic updates or replacements for aging hardware and software.
  • Lack of reliable IT support, resulting in productivity losses.

The owners and staff knew they needed change, so they reached out to our expert team.

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“I can't tell you how relieved I am to have the Ronak, Nimit, and the rest of the Satelight team take over IT at our property. Every day, I was concerned over whether our systems would go down or data would be lost, especially with the setup we had before we started working with Satelight. We even had so many scam and spam emails go to our employees and cause us so many headaches. Now, I finally have peace of mind back, knowing that their team is actively keeping an eye on all of our machines and data."

Betty Barefoot

General Manager, SUNDIAL INN

Our team put together an action plan to transform Sundial Inn into a modern business.

There were a handful of key things we knew would have an outsized impact on the motel. So, we executed on a plan to get Sundial Inn's IT infrastructure up and running as quickly as possible. So over the next few weeks, we:

  • transitioned the hotel to a cloud-based property management system (PMS) and integrated Microsoft 365 for enhanced data security and accessibility.
  • implemented automated backup solutions and established robust disaster recovery protocols, making sure they were protected even in the worst-case scenario.
  • introduced an on-device helpdesk allowing real-time communication with between their staff and our team via call, email, or chat.
  • Took over management of all hardware and software, ensuring timely updates, security patches, and maintenance.
  • Deployed 24/7 cybersecurity monitoring and advanced antivirus solutions across all networks, devices, and platforms.
  • Established separate networks for office and guest use, optimizing bandwidth and improving guest satisfaction with significantly higher network uptime, leading to better reviews.

network uptime since taking over IT management


reduction in wifi-related negative reviews


hours per month in employee time saved


more affordable than comparable internal IT staff

Sundial Inn quickly saw the benefits of having a dedicated IT partner.

The IT enhancements we delivered led to significant improvements, helping Sundial Inn keep their business data secure, their IT infrastructure streamlined, and their staff fully supported.

Reduced Operational Costs:

The efficiency of the new cloud-based systems allowed the reduction of front desk staff from six to four.

Increased Data Security and Uptime:

Enhanced security protocols and dependable IT infrastructure minimized downtime and secured sensitive data.

Boosted Employee Productivity:

The streamlined operations and reliable IT support reduced technical disruptions significantly.

Improved Guest Experience:

The introduction of separate networks enhanced the overall guest experience, reflected in better online reviews.

We're like their internal IT team.

The partnership between Sundial Inn and Satelight showcases the transformative impact of advanced IT solutions on operational efficiency and customer satisfaction in the hospitality industry. Sundial Inn now enjoys enhanced operational capabilities, reduced costs, and improved security, positioning it as a forward-thinking organization ready to meet the demands of modern tourism.

Regardless of the industry, having a reliable and growth-oriented IT partner is critical in today's tech-driven world. At Satelight, our goal is to make sure all businesses, like Sundial Inn, have access to the right technology and support they need to grow.

Need help with your IT? Let's talk.